- For those in the industry or wanting to take their knowledge to the next level.
- Certificate program with graduation gift.
- Learn to adapt to different seasons and weather, pick the right equipment, understand your electronics and much much more.
- The best way to boost your fishing knowledge and success.

- For the recreational angler that wants to learn core concepts needed to improve their fishing success.
- Takes a look at fish, their environment, how they use structure and cover, seasonal patterns and key presentations to help you get more bites.
- The knowledge needed to get more bites next time you wet a line.

Species Specific
- Information from the professional and expert anglers on catching your favorite species.
- In-depth lessons focus on the information needed to apply skills on the water with confidence.
- Check out the always expanding list of these invaluable courses for every angler.

Specialty Courses
- Learn more about rods, reels and fishing line, weather factors or your electronics.
- Courses designed to give you just what you want. Great for the avid angler to brush-up on a topic, or for the new entry looking for information on picking and using the right equipment.

Free Courses
Check out our free courses page and take a look at some of the mini-lessons from our course material.
Sign up for a free account, and we'll also give you access to one of five free lessons: Interpreting SONAR, Fishing 101, Structure, Knots or Meteorology. Like all our lessons, the free lessons are narrated and may include include both 3-D animation and videos, to ensure you have a good understanding of the topics.